Steven R asked:
Scott, is there some easy way to discover where the new threads on old comments are posted?
Of course, the last five posted comments are listed in the right hand column of the main page. But perhaps you just want to follow one hotly commented post?
The easiest way is to use the Sage feed reader extension for the Firefox browser. (Y’all do have Firefox, right?) In my blog, “discover feeds” (the magnifying glass icon) inside one of my articles, and a Comments option will come up. Subscribe to it. When it goes cold, unsubscribe.
You can subscribe to all comments at Shawn and Chutney‘s blogs, and I’ll look up how to add this function in WordPress blogs — eventually.
Scott – You should have a php file in your installations root called wp-commentsrss2.php. A link to that file should give your readers access to site-wide comments rss. You need not link directly to it; as usually does the job.
Danke Sie!
Any ideas on how to set this up on Blogger?
It worked! I set the feeds (for articles and comments) to the show the last twenty.
James, since the code base is so different (and more involved) than Blogger, I don’t see how this would work for you.