Get Scovel book

I sent a list of about twenty titles to Congregational Library for borrowing, and lickety-split I got a parcel and a separate postcard stating that they only had two of the titles. One was Carl Scovel’s Never Far From Home, a 2004 title from Skinner House, the house imprint of the Unitarian Universalist Association.

It is so good.

Two groups should put this on their must-have list:

  1. Preachers trying to develop a short message style (or who like Scovel, is trying to break into radio spots.)
  2. Those who are looking for Unitarian Christian content, either for nourishment or to overcome a puzzlement.

Though I’ve read it for free, I’ll be putting it on my Christmas list.

At UUA Bookstore

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.

1 comment

  1. Scott, thanks for the good recommendation. I have been asked to do the 4th week of our NBC affiliate ‘closing reflection.’ It airs at 1:40 a.m.. It is not on cable (!). It is 2 minutes long. So I don’t expect much to come out of it. But our local National Council of Church body–here called Churches United–asked me to do it, and so I am honored. Carl Scovel, I will go to often.
    I’ve opened a little book shelf in our social hall, and Never Far From Home is one of the featured titles.

    What book topic would you go after just now?

    I have been thinking about a little something on how different Christian theologies–process, social gospel, liberation theologies, death of God, womanist/feminist/black theologies, theolgoies of hope, etc, have impacted Unitarian Universalist thought.
    I have had it up to here with people talking about christian thought as if it were one thing, always conservative and mindless.

    Would such a topic be of interest to anyone other than me?

    Happy New Year,
    Roger Butts

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