Gospel Liturgy’s Sunday morning

Since we’ve come “back around” to tbe beginning of the section entitled “Morning Family Worship” we get a rubric . . .

The formulas for “Sunday-Schools and Families,” pages 128-135, may be substituted for the following

Thou, Lord, seest us in the silent darkness, and art with us in the deathlike solemnity of sleep. When we awake we are still with Thee; and now that the light of day is all around us, may the light of Thy countenance shine shine so vividly within us, that nothing we behold, or think of, may cloud the glory of Thy presence.

Thou hast hallowed a day of rest from labor, that man, coming away from the din and hurry of life, might sanctify the hours in the quiet of meditation, and be listed into communion with heaven. Mercifully incline us to the appointed blessing, and enable us to say into all worldly cares and anxieties, Be still, and know that this day is the day of the Lord.

We give Thee heary thanks for the continued protection and bounty of Thy providence; for all our personal and domestic comforts; for all temporal favors; and for all our religious aspirations.

Especially do we praise Thee for the guidance and hope of divine revelation. Thou hast given us Thy holy word, as a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night; and though we walk in a world of mystery, we are assured that there is no element at work in it, which is unknown to Thee, or beyond Thy control.

Lord, give unto us the believing mind and the prayerful heart. Enable us truly to revere Thee, that we may fully walk in the way of Thy heavenly law: enable us fully to trust Thee, that our souls may enter into the promised rest.

¶ All unite in the Lord’s Prayer. ¶ Scripture lesson. ¶ One of the Prayers on pages 60-62.

  • Gospel Liturgy, p. 141.

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