Half of this blog’s title is really gay

TCM is playing a month’s worth of gay cinema this month, including the extraordinarily depressing and unnerving but pioneering 1970 film, The Boys in the Band. (It was also an off-Broadway play the year before, year of my birth.)

This blog’s name riffs on it (and Geneva bands) a bit ironically. But every time I think of the film I’m grateful how far society has moved.

HT: MyQuest

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.

1 comment

  1. I am sorry to tell you that I cannot reach your blog when I am at the corporate offices of my client (a multinational computer company which in the past was almost a synonym to “computer”). When I try to open your blog, the browser displays a “Forbidden” page. And probably it is due to these gay connotations (perhaps they think that it is a contact site or something with sexual contents).

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