If a publishing house can have a “I believe” . . . .

My Day Job includes buying some children’s books. Thus, I was online, at the Scholastic website — they’re the nice folks who publish the Harry Potter series among zillions of other titles — and came across the company credo, which was nicely bullet-pointed:

We believe in:

  • The worth and dignity of each individual
  • Respect for the diverse groups in our multicultural society
  • The right of each individual to live in a wholesome environment, and equally, the personal responsibility of each individual to help gain and preserve a decent and healthful environment, beginning with informed care of one’s own body and mind
  • High moral and spiritual values

and so forth.

Is it just me, or is there a touch of the familiar about that? (“Except the last one,” he adds, sarcastically. Ethical life but not morals.)

Scholastic Credo

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.

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