OK, for a kinda-tech writer, I have some very untechy habits. Don’t own and have never owned a cell phone, for instance. Don’t even want a Blackberry. And haven’t, until this week, IMed. (I did used to IRC a bit, and it seems much the same, but I never did it so much.)
But we instant message, using AOL’s AIM, at Day Job (don’t ask) and so I’m learning basic functionality, hoping to move to advanced IM ninja moves. If you’d like my non-work AIM name, email me using the contact form, leaving yours.
I think it would be a good way to better know my readers and keep up with the ones I already know. And it’ll help me catch up to those fifteen years my junior.
Forget cell phones, get VoIP. Way cool.
And I thought cool geeks like you did IRC, not IM.
Without going into Day Job details, let’s just say I don’t even make the tech geek first cut.