Interesting features at British Unitarian and Free Christian website

Some years back I figured out — no revelation to many of you — that there are national tastes in graphic design and so what might simply seem plain or gaudy, romantic or severe in a website is (perhaps) a function in this difference. So I can say plainly that it has been a long time since I have liked the look of the national British Unitarian and Free Christian site. But I’m not its primary audience, so that’s OK all other things being equal.

But past the look there is much to praise about and some of the structural underpinnings of the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches. I’ll give each of these their due, though I should add that the next couple of weeks at work will be busier than usual, and I have family visiting thereafter.

Let’s start with their annual meetings. As befits of denomination of a scan 4,000 souls, it’s much smaller, shorter, less expensive and simpler than the Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly — and I would love to attend one. The site has always had booking information, but this year could book your registration, room and meals (they can come as a package) online. And apart from details for attendees, there’s a solid page for presenters.

And now that the annual meeting is over, you can not only see (admittedly) videos — brought over from YouTube — but printable PDFs of the sites. That’s worth imitating, too. (On the other hand, the coverage of the UUA GA is far more exhaustive and is archived.) And I love the idea of promotional videos of Unitarian volunteers.

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.


  1. I trust you’ve been to 4th Pres in Chicago — they use those there, too… If you haven’t been, try to visit when you’re in the Midwest. Beautiful, high-church, progressive in theology and social witness.

  2. Thank you very much – that sounds arrogant, let me explain please. I created as a volunteer 2 years ago, because I could see opportunities not exploited by the existing site. A few months later I needed a job, so I now work at UK headquarters – so I turned a passion into a job, oh how lucky I am! I really don’t find it difficult finding the energy to create the material for the site like the videos etc. Many are because I am also a youth leader in UK and I am inspired by the young people at every event I go to. The young girl here ( ) wrote these words in about 30 minutes during one session – this is so unfair on many adults who try hard for years! Another ( ) did it in less than that – you just want to hug them and cry. One leader sums it up so well here .

    Best wishes to you all over the other side of the pond.

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