I don’t accept advertising, but I do laud companies that help me live out my Christian faith. When I buy clothes, I want good assurance that the people who make and sell them receive a fair wage and decent work standard. I prefer clothes that, through their materials and manufacture, depend on less energy to transport and will wear well. I’m not willing to spend any sum “to do the right thing” and I am not prone to fashion experiments. In sum, I buy US-made, union-made clothing but it isn’t easy to find them for retail sale.
I found a company I have a good experience of: Justice Clothing Company of Bangor, Maine. (Adam, see, Maine.)
Here’s where they stand. (They are also an employee-controlled cooperative. So are Frontier Natural Products and Equal Exchange, the coffee company many Unitarian Universalist congregations get their morning brew from.)
The black casual slacks (a closeout, I’m afraid; smaller sizes as a special order) I got are now my favorites and made to last, but impressed me more was how they handled a return. I didn’t like the shade of blue of a second pair of slacks. An easy return, no interrogation and I got the credit slip today.
And a handwritten note on the slip, closing “In solidarity . . . .”
Gotta love that.