Keeping up with UUA General Assembly blog posts

Philocrites laments there’s no easy way to keep up with blog posts relating to the forthcoming UUA GA. While I haven’t figured out a technically astute way (yet) to make a feed of these blog posts, a little extra Boolean logic and Technorati can help. Note the UUAGA06 and UUGA06 tag references, which I suspect a number of bloggers will use, following a request at Philocrites. Note, too, I’ve excluded the Presbyterians, as the Presbyterian Church (USA) has a General Assembly right now and why confuse matters?

That said, are there going to be that many bloggers who aren’t at General Assembly who will blog about it? And those what do, mightn’t it be helpful to include General Assembly or GA in the title of your GA-related posts? (Assuming you’re drawing readership.)

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.


  1. When at GA, I do generally blog some about GA. I don’t generally do a lot of other UU blogging (especially lately) but I’m happy to tag if I’m clear on what to do. Which I’m not, completely.

  2. Lynn — just type the “word” uuga06 in your post. (I rather think uuaga06 makes more sense, but Dan Harper suggested the former and so I think more will do it.) My Technorati search covers both and Google will take care of the rest.

  3. Even in Livejournal? And would tagging be better? I know LJ does some sort of tagging.

    I (or someone) should also publish this in the LJ community “unitarians” and it might be useful to have a specific LJ community for GA.

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