“Liberala Himnaro” hymn list in English

I mentioned the Esperanto hymnal I just got. Don’t laugh. This means you.

I realized that if you take the translated-from-English hymns in this collection, plus the Consultation on Ecumenical Hymnody’s 150 and you get a really good working set for a moderate to liberal Protestant church.  Particularly good since these are mainly in the public domain, which speaks to my “who owns our words of worship” concern.

The Esperanto-only titles I’ve typed out in italics; the translated (from English) hymns are the ones that interest me. For the record, the editors of the Liberala Himnaro esteemed the following enough to include:

  1. Lord of All Being
  2. Our Father while our hearts unlearn
  3. Ho Spiriti Nin Instruu
  4. Still, still with Thee
  5. All people that on  earth do dwell
  6. Vivon Al Mi Donas Dio (originally in Esperanto, by F. W. Hipsley)
  7. The King of Love my shepherd is
  8. Where is thy God, my soul
  9. Nearer my God to Thee
  10. Open my eyes that I may see
  11. To Mercy, Pity, Peace and Love
  12. Can I see another’s woe
  13. We believe in human kindness
  14. Faith, Hope and Charity
  15. Thy neighbor
  16. Rich gifts that heaven delights to see
  17. Maker of earth and sea and sky
  18. O Thou by whose creative power
  19. Almighty Father who dost give
  20. Love is the Law
  21. Who will say the world is dying
  22. Spirit of Faith be Thou my guide
  23. Make sure of Truth
  24. Men whose boast it is that ye
  25. Himno por la paco tutmonda
  26. The Psalm of Life
  27. We cannot kindle when we will
  28. Walk in the Light
  29. Lead kindly light
  30. Abide with me
  31. We bless Thee for Thy peace, O God
  32. These things shall be
  33. Sing we of the Golden City
  34. From Thee all skill and science flow
  35. Forward through the ages
  36. To us have distant ages
  37. One Holy Church
  38. We limit not the Truth of God
  39. God of Ages and of nations
  40. O Beauty old yet ever new
  41. Wherever through the ages rise
  42. Preĝo sub la verda standardo (“Prayer beneath the green [Esperantist] banner” by Esperanto founder L. L. Zamenhof)
  43. La Espero by L. L. Zamenhof
  44. Kanto de L’ligo
  45. La Tagiĝo
  46. La Vera Frataro
  47. Ne Nur El Unu Ras’
  48. La Vojo by L. L. Zamenhof

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.


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