There’s so much intrapartisan rancor about the Lamont-Lieberman race in Connecticut that I’m lothe to write anything about it, because we’re sure to hear a string of corrections and rebuttals in days ahead.
That said, I think the controversy from the Lieberman camp claiming their website was victimized by a “denial of service” attack is surreal. I get it that the sitting Senator doesn’t have the best relationship with the Internet, but really. A Lamont camp representative claims the site — down each time I tried it today — on a 10 Gig/month bandwidth shared server. If that’s true, that’s like matching a part-time volunteer with a card table and a Slimline and calling it a phone bank.
I have a 11.7 Gig/month account for and Not that I need all that, but I would think a major campaign would have a sense of scale.
Hacking Charge: Was The Lieberman Camp Web-Clueless To The End? (Paul Bass, New Haven Independent 8 August 2006)