Lost visions of Universalists: mixed churches

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First Universalist Church, Providence (1879)
First Universalist Church, Providence (1879)
Universalist Church, Concord, New Hampshire (as of 1903)
Universalist Church, Concord, New Hampshire (as of 1903)
Universalist Church, Manchester, Iowa (before 1911)
Universalist Church, Manchester, Iowa (before 1911)

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.


  1. Fascinating about Manchester. Lovely steeple-house. Small town west of Dubuque, east of Waterloo. Wonder when they closed? Did WW1 kill them, or the Great Depression?

  2. Wow about the Grange! I had heard of a number of Universalist buildings in Iowa that were purchased by Masonic lodges. Same for a few church buildings in Ohio (specifically Greenville, OH and Attica, OH).

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