I know plovers doesn’t rhyme with lovers, but this hopeful story (with a cute photo) from today’s New York Times makes me even happier with Massachusetts than Virginia (the “is for lovers” state) that makes life very hard indeed for same-sex couples. No, I’ve not forgotten.
And given my choice of where I can live, work, vacation and spend my money in the national capitol area, Hubby and I will stick to the District of Columbia and Maryland.
I don’t know…if I put on my grandfather’s Revere/Chelsea accent, I can get plover and lover to sound rhyme-worthy. :)
On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, 12 piping plover pairs!
If you plove Massachusetts so much, plome plisit!
Jonathan (Hubby) joked that “piping plovers” are this year’s cost-savings replacement in the Twelve Days lineup.
Listen to one here.