Well, we’re about four weeks after General Assembly, and there is still not a lick of coverage of the Christian events at General Assembly, and the Magi Network’s “Great Commission” program (which I think was slated for coverage) isn’t even there any more.
Now may I complain?
Oh yes, you can complain about GA now but we missed you and it was fun anyway. Our esteemed colleague, The Reverend Hank Peirce, might have some trenchant observations about the musical compositions included in the Closing Ceremony.
::Commerical Break:::
You can see me deliver my sermon “Remember My Chains” on streaming video on the UUA web site. It was the winner of the 2003 Commission on Social Witness/UUMA Sermon Award. It’s all about St. Paul. We had one walk-out and I’m trying not to be paranoid but it was right after I said that visiting prisoners was a gospel imperative. It’s a goddess imperative,too, ya’ll.
Not sure why I couldn’t comment on the “DSL Heaven” post, but just wanted to drop a note to say that since you’re in the neighborhood now, we should do coffee sometime.