OK, Terrance tagged me for this web-party-game-not-a-meme-thing. I’ll bite.
1. What is the total volume of musical files on your computer?
About five gigs. Not much, but they’re all legal.
2. What song are you listening to right now?
The last thing I was listening to — before taking off the MP3 player — was Shirley Bassey singing “Goldfinger”. Later, finishing up. Walter Wanderly’s “Summer Samba” on “Sunny” on XM Radio.
3. Last CD I bought?
Goodness, you mean for my own consumption and not as a gift for someone else, right? It’s been so long. I don’t recall, but Hubby gave me Björk’s Homogenic not so long ago. But even that’s from 1999. I feel old all of a sudden. Hubby buys a lot of new stuff and I borrow his. Does that count? No?
4. Five songs you listen to a lot and which mean something to you:
- “Close To You” by the Carpenters. A romantic favorite, reminds me of Hubby. (Why do birds suddenly appear?)
- “Solsbury Hill” by Peter Gabriel. An anomie-filled classic with a great hook (“I hold the line”) that takes three and a half minutes to get past the prologue. Gotta love that. Great when the kids at the back of the bus to work are screaming obscenities at each other.
- “Butterbean” by the B-52s. High energy and goofy, with a brief homage to Athens, G-A.
- “Jupiter, the Bringer of Jolity” by Gustav Holst. One of The Planets, and as a piece of “good music” is anthologized to death. But it is so clearly an inspiration for much of later sci-fi movie music and news broadcast intros that I find it familiar and delightful. The hymn tune, Thaxted, is pulled from this.
- “How Soon is Now?” (alternating with “Meat is Murder”) by the Smiths. Great if I’m in a sulky, self-pitying mood because it makes me lighten up by contrast. A good tonic, that.