My current Ubuntu install

This will mean almost nothing to most readers, so feel free to skip this one if you’re not interested in Ubuntu Linux.

My machine is a four and a half year old HP Pavilion 7855 with a 1GHz Pentium 3 processer and 384 MB of RAM (added a 258 MB card yesterday), a CD reader, and a CD writer/DVD player. Two USB ports. Nothing all that special or uncommon, if you have a computer at all. The kind of machine a company with a decent IT budget might give your church as they upgrade.
I’ve installed Ubuntu Breezy Badger (5.10) and have added and removed software, both from the Synaptic Package Manager, but mostly from the Add Applications feature, to help me keep my newcomer’s mind. But I think a newcomer should wait at least for Dapper Drake (6.04), to be released in the fourth week of April. Again, I’m trying to see what would help churches and church-related entities.

What I added and deleted from the default install after the jump.

This list refers to the main software package, as the dependent packages will be automatically added or deleted as needed.

  1. Scribus (desktop publisher)
  2. Alien (to transform the RPM packages used in the Red Hat family of Linux distributions)
  3. AbiWord (a light word processor, for quick work; may later remove)
  4. Adobe Reader (because it is a better PDF reader than the default)
  5. Project Management (for making timelines)
  6. K3B (the best available CD burner)
  7. Gparted (to experiment with disk partitions; may later remove)
  8. ttf-thyromanes (a Greek and Latin font)

I also added the Macromedia Flash plugin the Firefox. And downloaded a couple of unpackaged fonts and installed them at fonts:// through the Nautilus file manager.


  1. Gaim (an instant messenger)
  2. Gnome-Games
  3. Bittorent (download aid)
  4. Gnome Meeting (don’t have a webcam)
  5. various tff fonts for various Asian languages

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.

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