I’ve rehearsed before why I prefer and promote US made goods, but sometimes they’re hard to find in certain sectors. So I use a variety of resources to find leads. The irony is that one of my favorites is a Canadian source. (I’ll choose Canadian goods over other countries’ when that’s an option.)
There’s a fun television show, on the basic cable Discovery Channel, called How It’s Made, or Comment C’est Fait in its native French. Since there’s no on-screen personality, the show can be (and is) internationalized with new voice overs. (The Wikipedia episode list.)
Naturally, they show goods made in Canadian factories and at the end of the manufacturing process there’s usually a discrete image of a logo or label that gives the viewer a sign that this or that product is made in North America. (I assume the “luxury motorcar” segment — identified as a Rolls Royce from the beginning; how would you get past that? — was filmed overseas.) Some of these are in United States factories. The only problem is that I can’t find a list of these factories and so I’ve thought about making a list. For the to-do list.
Even with that qualification, I think How It’s Made is more satisfying and less gung-ho than the Travel Channel’s Made in America, and the products are often more basic though they do have a link to the companies they feature.
The show is educational and entertaining, and cultivates an appreciate for honest work and good craftsmanship, so even if the products are what you need, there’s a labor-valuing quality that makes it wonkish, character-building or both.
Actually I like “Made in America” specifically for its gung-ho-ness but I can’t watch more than one or two episiodes at a time for the same reason. Discovery likes to have those day long (or weekend long) marathons.
Please post the list, I’ll add it to my site as well.