Open source in churches

Following up on the open source software in the church office idea —

Just found this ministry. Just the thing. How did I miss it?

What is the Freely Project?

The Freely Project was setup for the promotion of Open Source Software (OSS) and Linux within churches. Members of the project have a range of technical abilities and denominations.

Why was the Project setup?

The Freely Project was setup following the realisation that churches could benefit greatly from using OSS and Linux, and the belief that there are sound ethical and philosophical reasons why this should happen.

What does the Project do?

We hope that, over time, the project will:

  • Provide free consultancy on the use of OSS and Linux within churches and Christian charities
  • Coordinate with Linux users and local LUGs to provide installation services for churches and Christian charities
  • Promote the use of OSS and Linux to churches – recognising that OSS for Windows may provide an initial step for the majority of churches
  • Promote awareness of the ethical/philosophical reasons behind Linux and OSS, and also the issue of piracy and/or licensing issues
  • Promote and be actively involved in the development of open source applications specifically designed for churches

Freely Project
Freely you have received, freely give. Matthew 10:8

Categorized as Open

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.

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