Parisian finery

Clyde Grubbs gets keyed up — can I type that with a hint of mocking? his tone is hardly strident — about the folly of bottled water. It bothers me, if for no other reason than bottled watter (apart from gallon jugs to tide one over a hurricane) seems like a waste of money and plastic.

Reminds me of the campaign Paris has to drink the eau de Paris. The municipal water authority has even distributed special carafes (an award winning design) to restaurants to encourage people to drink from the common tap. Sounds like a good idea to me. I note how refreshing the tap water of New York and Rome is: a municipal benefit hardly mentioned, and DC’s isn’t bad. (Though a tad lead-heavy in areas. A filter helps.)

I wish I read French: Eau de Paris

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.


  1. Drinking water has become a comodity. Says something about our world, don’t ya think?

    On D.C.’s tap water, I can only drink it when it’s run through a filter first.

  2. Well, the commodity of drinking water is hardly new. With clean potable water, many thousands of people a year would be spared life-ending disease.

    But I think the Paris plan is to avoid the pollution the plastic bottles cause.

  3. Having grown up not too far from Poland Spring (yes, a real place!), I can only agree with you. This has been a a great topic of debate and consternation in Maine as the government allows corporations to take a free item and then sell it for actual money…very strange.

    Chicago’s water, when I was in seminary, was theoretically quite clean, but tasted thoroughly nasty…

    On a related note, what is it with have a green lawn when it is over ninety degrees outside?

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