Polished concrete floors for churches?

One of the things I liked architecturally about First Jefferson Unitarian Universalist Church, Fort Worth, was the floor. A tinted, polished concrete floor that (appeared to) wear well, made good use of resources and didn’t fight with the modern design of the walls and ceiling.

I thought then and now that if I were in an urban building retrofit-as-church building, I would do worse than having a sealed concrete floor. (Yes, that’s the kind of thing I think about.)

And Apartment Therapy has an article about it today.

“Polished Concrete”

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.


  1. The Berkeley UU church has polished concrete floors. Bright acoustically. Stand up to lots of wear and tear and still look good. Not very friendly on the feet. But yeah, I liked the polished concrete floors in that church.

    And wouldn’t it be cool to emboss a big Chartres-style labyrinth into the floor when you pour the concrete?

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