My camera isn’t that good in less than sunlit places. But here are a few photos from Revival within Fourth Universalist Society’s church building.
Personal and cultural reflections, plus the District of Columbia and some Esperanto
My camera isn’t that good in less than sunlit places. But here are a few photos from Revival within Fourth Universalist Society’s church building.
Where is fourth Universalist? And first to third?
The Fourth Universalist Society in the City of New York is on the corner of Central Park West and 76th Street. I used to be the office manager/membership coordinator, before I moved out of NYC. The First, Second, and Third Universalist Societies are no longer extant, nor are the other three historic Universalist churches that used to serve the city.
Some of my Revival pictures are here.
A revival meeting? I thought I would see people on their feet, cheering and clapping hands. What a disappointment!
Thanks BITB for the pictures, and the others too. Looking forward to Cleveland at West Shore UU Church, Nov. 1-4, 2007 for the next National Revival (or global since we have always had at least one person from overseas at all of our revivals). And Jaume, that kind of expression happened too again this year; it is just hard to take pictures when clapping or waving arms :)….Seriously, though, revival is as much an inner movement of the spirit in a deep and quickening way as it is an outward expression of the same. This year’s revival was certainly no match for the pentecostal expressions evident at last year’s gathering in Fort Worth, but the Holy Spirit was moving nonetheless. A big part of it has to do with who the keynoters are and what form of worship is going on. Interestingly, one of the more moving and talked about worship services, which had a few people in tears, was the Taize service. It and the communion service and the prayer and healing service all had different people coming up to me afterwards and saying with tears in their eyes, “I didn’t know you could do that kind of service in a UU church.”
So Scott – details, please on Revival? What was it like? Who was there? Etc. Etc. I’m curious!
I am so proud of what the UUCF does in the UUA. Many of us in the UUA are heartfelt liberal Christians who seek to live a life consistent with the New Testament picture of Jesus. The UUCF encourages us as liberal voices for Jesus in the context of Unitarian Universalism.