Sunday with the Swedenborgians

Jesus with sheep: a window at the Church of the Holy City

Before I braved the crowds yesterday, I went to services at the Church of the Holy City, Swedenborgian. The Rev. Andrew Stinson was preaching. The appointed reading was John 21:1-19, where the resurrected Christ meets some of his disciples, Peter included, and commands him to “feed my sheep.”

The disciples were fishing but catching nothing. Christ tells them to cast for fish with their left hand. Doing so, they brought in a load.

A former fisherman, Stinson reminded us that boat now (and likely then) have a “working side” and one where all the junk is kept. To go from one hand to another is not a simple act, but means moving all the junk to the other side of the boat. To follow Jesus, we’d also have to move our junk: not an easy task.

A good point, worth sharing.

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