Online community of interest: Progressive Exchange

I’m a member of the online Progressive Exchange community, and thought some of my more tech-oriented nonprofit-type readers might like it. It is a way to share information among people doing online organizing, advocacy, marketing and fundraising on behalf of the public interest. The goal of the Progressive Exchange is to aid the online efforts… Continue reading Online community of interest: Progressive Exchange

UUA Drupal Love, part two

If you’re interested in learning about or working on Drupal to help Unitarian Universalist organizations, I respectfully request you create a user login at Please add “Unitarian Universalist” (without the quotation marks) to Interests, under Personal Information. Everyone who so identifies will show up on this page. With this post, I open the category… Continue reading UUA Drupal Love, part two

UUA Drupal Love

A while back, I mentioned that the tee-tiny Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Beech Lake, Pennsylvania has a website that punches far above its weight, and that it is powered by the free and open-source Drupal content management system. I love Drupal to pieces and runs on it. But it can do far,… Continue reading UUA Drupal Love

“Geeks and God”

Please excuse me, I’ll be blogging a bit less than usual this week. I discovered an interesting blog+podcast called Geeks and God that takes Christian and church-related matters of technology and open-source quite seriously. I’ll be listening to these and taking notes. I also have to clean up and improve — I just upgraded… Continue reading “Geeks and God”

Best links for June 29

Well, best for me, but I know some of you will like them too. Michelle Murrain, writing from her Zen and the art of Nonprofit Technology blog, points out how the United States Social Forum is running on free and open source software. Fabu. Drupal and Linux (Ubuntu and Debian) love all around. Several writers… Continue reading Best links for June 29