Quaker “cross cringe” — ah, sounds familiar

Unitarian Universalist Christians use a few terms — Christophobia, cross cringe and ABC (“anything but Christian”) — to describe the reception we get in unfriendly settings. A posting today at QuakerQuaker shows that the problem — or perhaps a like problem — isn’t uniquely Unitarian Universalist. A shame that. Perhaps, too, an opportunity. “Liberal Quaker… Continue reading Quaker “cross cringe” — ah, sounds familiar

Universalist holidays: a 1857 list

So I have this 150 year old prayerbook, The Gospel Liturgy: A Prayer-Book for Churches, Congregations and Families. Prepared by direction of the General Convention of Universalists. Apart from Sundays, what observances does it commend? Well, many are always on Sunday and I bet the rest got transferred to Sunday, but so I suppose I… Continue reading Universalist holidays: a 1857 list