you now would be legally married in the District of Columbia, too. The thirty-day congressional review (read: veto) period for the marriage recognition bill has passed. A happy day. The next step is obvious.
Tag: same-sex marriage
Good news: no marriage recognition referendum
Whew! The District of Columbia Board of Election and Ethics (DC BOEE), citing a 2002 amendment to the D.C. Human Rights Act, ruled that there can be no referendum which could repeal D.C. Council-passed legislation recognizing same-sex marriages from other jurisdictions. Imagine that! there can’t be ballot action to remove human rights! Coverage at DCist… Continue reading Good news: no marriage recognition referendum
Rally tonight for equal marriage
Just got back home from an hour-long rally at Dupont Circle, organized under the banner of Join the Impact — I wondered, why not outside the White House — in opposition to the Proposition 8 decision in the California Supreme Court. But the strong subtext was preparing the assembly — I’m guessing there were about… Continue reading Rally tonight for equal marriage
Hurrah for Vermont; also D.C.
First, let me thank my office mates to visited me or contacted me about the veto overturn in Vermont. It is good news that not only has a state legislature voted for same sex marriage — California did that — but was able to overcome a veto. So with Iowa, that makes four states where… Continue reading Hurrah for Vermont; also D.C.
Vermont and Iowa and churches
If you missed it, please review Massmarrier’s latest take on the prospect of a Vermont governor’s veto of the marriage bill state lawmakers passed. In sum? Review the Iowa decision and drop the faith-n-feelings argument. And a note to the Christian opponents of same-sex marriage: the under-30s are judging you and the faith based on… Continue reading Vermont and Iowa and churches
Yeah, I’m mad about the Warren pick
And I have good reasons. And thoughts about the various responses in the Left. While I’m consigning them to words, go over to Open Left and follow Matt Stoller’s last few post on the subject. (Disclosure: I know him professionally.)
No, you can’t
Nobody had to tell me to go to the White House last night. Like many Washingtonians, around 11:30 pm, I just knew that’s where I needed to be, despite the chill and drizzle. Thousands showed up: a jubilant, if rowdy, group. Lots of chanting and car horn honking. You may have seen the videos or… Continue reading No, you can’t
“No on Prop 8” site attacked
Towleroad reports that the “No on Prop 8” Web site received a denial-of-service attack last night. Just the kind of thing you’d expect from the no-holds-barred opponents of same-sex marriage. Why? Surely because No on Prop 8 is raising money through that site. I donated last night before that attack, but used the Better Democrats… Continue reading “No on Prop 8” site attacked
Good news from Connecticut
What a happy day! As many of you have already heard, the Connecticut Supreme Court has ruled that same-sex couples can not be discriminated against in terms of marriage. And I believe the last round of marriage/domestic partnership District of Columbia laws went into effect today. Or thereabouts. And so I encourage you to give… Continue reading Good news from Connecticut
Marriage happiness
Obscured by the Knoxville shootings, there is good news from Massachusetts, where the legislature has repealed the 1913 anti-miscegenation law, which rose again vampire-style to prevent out-of-state same-sex couples from marrying in the Bay State. The governor is set to put a stake in to the heart of the law Tuesday, and the law will… Continue reading Marriage happiness