The Church’s questions about copyright

I really enjoy religious education professor Mary Hess’s Tensegrities blog. Yesterday she promoted a new World Council of Churches publication Love to Share, of which she herself is a contributor. You may download it here as a PDF and it is licensed in such a way that you may share copies.

Get past the typically overwrought WCC/UN/UNESCO-type rhetoric at the front and very quickly this report considers conflicting demands of intellectual property rights, the desire for Christians of different places and confessions to share resources, and the biblical value of “holding all things in common.”

I’m only about a third of the way through, but as one who discounts the proprietary approach to Christian liturgy, I’m keen to finish.

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.


  1. There’s synchronicity: I’ve just unleashed my own obsession with sharing. Thanks for posting that!

    At your earlier post, I noticed the concern for a shared Bible. The World English Bible seems like a lovely project, but the language is a bit flat. The KJV is great if you’re a monarchist at heart, but the version I’d like to see more often is the Geneva Bible.

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