The great credit card opt-out

I’m trying to save you some toxic junk mail.

Discontinuous Permafrost is surely the most northerly Unitarian Universalist blog. Its Fairbanks-based anonymous author has his own way of sticking it to the Credit Card Offer Industrial Complex (“The Credit Card Resistance Movement (CRAM)“) — shared incidentally by people I respect — and I have mine.

Opt out. Start here. It’s for real, was widely promoted a couple of years ago and I did it myself. Now, the only offers I get are from banks whose cards I already have, mainly for those dreadful little faux-checks, which I immediately shred.

I suspect the CCOIC would rather deal with malcontents in a civilized manner if for no other reason that our efforts cost them money and make them none.

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.


  1. I joined something called Green Dimes where you pay $15 and they take your name off not only credit card company lists but off of 100s of mailing lists and monitor your name for a year so that when you are added back on (which you will be) they will take you off again. Matt Damon promoted the organization, which, of course, made me sure that it was brilliant. But seriously it does seem like a good little thing to join. The only down side is you don’t get free address labels in the mail anymore from St. Jude’s Hospital or whatever other non-profit bought your name.

  2. I’m loathe to pay to not get mail, so I’d pass on Green Dimes and suggest Catalog Choice instead.

    Someone I respect put me on to it. It does mean holding on to the address label part of each catalog you get. I batched them and opted out as a group.

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