“The Greatness of the Ministerial Office”

Ever blessed Lord, we pray for thy choicest favors upon our Teacher and Pastor. Give him all that wisdom which he needs to direct his steps, and discharge aright his responsible duties. May we realize the greatness of the office which he holds, and be untiring in our exertions to aid him in his work. May we open our hearts to the doctrines he is ordained to preach; and by no indifference, neglect or sin of ours, may his heart be discouraged, or his duties rendered more trying or arduous. May we be punctual in our attendance upon his ministrations, and listen with meekness to his rebukes and exhortations. May we walk with him in love, and be so encouraged and strengthened by his labors, as to keep thy law and live in holiness all our days.

Grant that all who wait upon his ministry may be truly converted from sin. May he guide the young, encourage the desponding, cheer the aged, and comfort the afflicted. May all his people be zealous of good works. O Lord, let thy blessings be upon him this day. May he preach the word with power, and be encouraged by the devout attention of his flock. Guide him and us, and all men, in the way of peace, and finally save all, through Jesus Christ our Redeemer. Amen.

  • From “The Greatness of the Ministerial Office” in Family Worship by Otis A. Skinner. Fifth edition. (Universalist Publishing House, 1843), p. 76-77.
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