The parson wore black

OK, so you’re not giving up your black gown and you’re hot as blazes in your un-air-conditioned church? Wear the gown open. Wear it over street clothes: no stole, no collar, no bands, no hood. That way, if you begin to swoon you can shuck it unobtrusively. (I have a couple a time.) And demand a raise so you can get one in silk next time.

Oh, and I got a sale flier from Cokesbury. They have vesture on sale through June 30, including a bunch of Marshmallow Ghost gowns and some nice albs cut for women. Some nice stoles, but alas, no bands.

Categorized as Vestments

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.

1 comment

  1. Silk is great, but how about robes made of Supplex nylon? You’d be cool as a cucumber.

    I had this idea years ago for a small business making robes and vestments from high-tech fabrics (Supplex nylon robes for hot summer, Polar-fleece liners for those Easter sunrise services, etc.). I’ll never do anything with this idea, so I’ll throw it out to the world, hoping someone will give it a try….

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