Jim, a.k.a. Pereginato, has written more about Benedict XVI and has said what I would want to say if I were feeling clement.
Personal and cultural reflections, plus the District of Columbia and some Esperanto
Jim, a.k.a. Pereginato, has written more about Benedict XVI and has said what I would want to say if I were feeling clement.
I am not clement! Nor am I Scott! (go read the comments on my blog, specifically the post you cite, for context of that assertion)
Here’s the url to Pope Benedict XVI’s first sermon as Pope — http://romancatholicblog.typepad.com/roman_catholic_blog/2005/04/the_unity_of_al.html — Funny, he doesnt sound like the madman critics make him out to be. I pray that Pope Benedict XVI will surprise those who criticize him. Only time will tell. After all, it’s a 2,000 year old religion, we should give they guy some time.