Tiny church administration: The quick web site

I’ll try to make the case later that people administering and organizing churches should have a Google account. There are many well-known, well-tested tools. More about that later.

But if you need a quick, simple and attractive web site, you might try a little known tool: pages.google.com. Some have used the Google Blogger tool — itself not a bad idea — but others might be a little leery of the blog moniker for a church web site.

Indeed, it is used by two small Unitarian Universalist congregations — the Unitarian Fellowship of Storrs (Conn.) (18 members) and the Billings (Montana) Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (68 members) — Unitarios Universalistas de Espa�a [group defunct, site down] and Vernon Marshall, a Unitarian minister in Britain.

Notably, the first two sites are cloaked or forwarded by their own domain names, respectively, http://www.ufs-ct.org/ and http://www.uubillings.org/.

Also, did I mention it is free of charge?

Later. Also, New Chapel, Denton, Manchester, where Vernon Marshall ministers.

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.


  1. I’ve used Google Pages for several years for a non-profit organization. It’s quick and easy to learn. Not for perfectionists, or those who can “code” their own sites. But it would be ideal for a small church or group. You can add many pages and link them together. Be sure to create a navigation system for your pages to help readers maneuver through your site. If you want to see an example, see our theater groups site at http://www.elyriatheatre.googlepages.com.

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