Few surprises that these were the most read articles in May for Boy in the Bands.
- “Where is Meadville Lombard going?” Like other–perhaps all–Unitarian Universalist ministers, I got an email from the Rev. Lee Barker, the president of Meadville Lombard Theological School . . . .
- “Buying US-made clothing, so far“. Ms. Theologian is talking about not buying clothes from China. I’ve written at length about my hunt for US-made, union-made, non-sweatshop-made clothing.
- “Why Starr King?”. This may be my Southern and East Coast associations showing, in my twenty-plus years of being a Unitarian Universalist, Starr King School for the Ministry has always been “that school.”
- “Banning someone on WordPress” Though I have had pointed disagreements with several persons on this blog, I have only banned one person from commenting and participating . . . .
- “Has the Episcopal Church jumped the shark?” Gutter newspaper and television has made some hay about Jim McGreevey . . . .
The top three outstripped the others and all other posts.