Trader Joe’s bag a win on all counts

I went at Trader Joe’s — a specialty grocery store, for those unfamiliar — a few days ago directly from work , but didn’t have my own bag. Since some of the nonwoven cloth bags (read: plastic) at home were beginning to show their age, I went ahead and picked up a large canvas bag at Trader Joe’s on the way to the register.

Not only was it attractive — red, with the logo over-pritned in black and white — and canvas — thus will biodegrade — but it was made in Lowell, Massachusetts and was large enough for all the groceries I had.

Even the tag was plastic free.

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.

1 comment

  1. My reusable bags are made locally, but they are synthetic fiber.

    I may someday buy a ‘used’ canvas bags at some point. There always seem to be some like new shopping bags mixed in with the pillow cases and other fabric odds and ends that are sold on the streets of Tunisia

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