Try Politiwidgets

Here’s a tool for bloggers and others with websites that refer to members of Congress.

Some of you know I have secular work — with the government transparency organization, the Sunlight Foundation. Sunlight does some pretty amazing things, but I don’t normally speak of it, so as to not present a confusion between my own political views and Sunlight’s nonpartisan stance.

But we’ve got a some tools that I want to share with my readers. One is widgets about members of Congress on your blog. I’ve put a small format “business card” of Eleanor Holmes Norton, the delegate of the District of Columbia, in the side panel of the main page, and (since she doesn’t get a vote) one for the vote John Barrow — my former representative in Georgia — made on the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act (as an example) below:

If you want to add widgets to your blog like these or several other varieties, see Politiwidgets.

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.

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