Unitarians and Universalists outside the UUA

Earlier, I mentioned the possibility of a Universalist church outside the UUA. As it happens, there are several, though not nearly as many (who opted out of joining the UUA) as there once were. Some died; some became Community Churches and lost their Universalist identity.

One of the survivors — Universalist and Christian, and dear to me — is Rockwell Universalist Church, Winder, Georgia.

Some — well, so far, one — Unitarian church(es) are in the American Unitarian Conference while an case for independence is made by the [2009. defunt, www.utahunitarian.org] Wasatch Front Unitarian Fellowship “an Independent Unitarian Presence in Utah”

Some Unitarian Universalist congregations, especially out west, seem to have a relationship with a UUA district, but aren’t members of the UUA. Whether these small groups ever plan to join the UUA is unclear. I’ve put the names of a couple (with membership numbers in parentheses) in the extended entry.

Pacific Southwest

Wickenburg, Arizona: Unitarian Universalists of Wickenburg (30)
Las Vegas, Nevada: UU Community of Southern Nevada (16)


  1. Scott – You can add to your list of churches outside the UUA…

    *Congregational Universalist Church of Jersey, OH
    *First Universalist Church, Middleport, NY (still in the NY convention)
    *Church of Universal Fellowship, Orono, ME (this one is not small, it is part of the Northeast District)
    *Community Church of Bristol, NY
    *First Congregational Universalist Church of Mt. Pleasant, IA
    *Unitarian Fellowship of Petoskey, MI (rumor has it they own a farmhouse)

  2. I tried to follow the link for rockwelluniversalist.com but I think the website is dead. I wonder if that means the church has disbanded? That’s too bad because my family and I live in the Loganville, GA area and would’ve loved to visit.

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