UUs: Don’t go there

I’ve often heard UUs talk about how this tactic or that can be domesticated for Unitarian Universalist purposes. Numerically successful — or those that appeared this way — Evangelical churches are prime hunting grounds for seemingly good ideas.

It is worth noting that Evangelicals disagree among themeselves on whether some tactics are actually that helpful or ideal. An example:

Sorry, But Your Church Sucks

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.

1 comment

  1. Hey Scott,

    I have been thinking about this myself lately and not because we are going powerpoint at Eliot! We have a good number of very traditional Christians in our ranks. They are folks who would, in many ways, be more comfortable with the theology of an evangelical church. I think that they come because of the very issue your linked person complains about. The absence of Bible-preaching and over-dependence on the rosier aspects of Christianity.

    Eliot, on the other hand, is welcoming and Biblical. They know they do not have to agree with me and they appreciate, I think, the central place we give the scriptures on Sunday Morn. Anyway, this is just a thought. We aren’t terribly trendy and yet we do not seem to have any trouble attracting young families (or old ones either). I tend, therefore, to give little creedence to “contemporary” worship (as if ours isn’t). I am not against it, but I do not see how my congregation would benefit from it…

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