“Weird” statement at first meeting of Morales and Board: a copy?

The UUWorld.org General Assembly blog reported the today’s first meeting of the Unitarian Universalist Association Board of Trustees and newly elected UUA president Peter Morales here, here and here.

One episode stands out: a statement, made by trustee Will Saunders (Northern New England) that suggested a uniformity of president-board policy that seems to have bothered other trustees. This prompted moderator Gini Courter to note they had “started weird.”

I feel like I’m missing a piece here — the thrust and tone of the episode — not the least because that there’s a reference to Saunders reading the comments. Did he bring prepared comments? And are the available?

Was anyone else present who can shed some light on this?

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.


  1. Southwest has been advertizing $89 air fares Chicago to LaGuardia. If they start doing that to Boston I might be out there live blogging some of these board meetings. (Anyone join me?)

    UUA really needs to open things up so we understand better what in the heck these folks are talking about. Congress broadcasts their hearings on the net. Why can’t we? If people are broadcasting themselves live, we really should be…

    I asked a UU minister why both Hallaman and Morales spoke in such odd cryptic ways. I felt the outsider listening to this weird debate among insiders where all the issues where hidden and known to just a few. It starts weird and kept on going weird. The minister responded how candidates get locked into a language and for one institutional / cultural reason or another, and they can’t get out of it.

    Getting transcripts, bloggers attending, live webcasts, a way to break-these-folks lose from their habits and let the wider UU world understand what they heck they’re saying.

  2. Oh, I should have been more clear in the first post about the board meeting. Yes, Will Saunders read a statement he had written at the invitation of Rosemary Bray McNatt. I have not seen a copy, and it’s not the sort of thing that usually ends up in the board minutes (which you will eventually find here).

    Trustee Linda Laskowski writes about the “weirdness” at the board meeting at her blog.

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