I didn’t expect to see the headline “UUA Fires Pacific Central District Executive” at Tom Wilson’s blog (Musings and Essays) this morning.
What I’d like to know is if this is fallout to resistance (which may or may not exist) to the district consolidation initiative, signs of deeper than known budget problems or something entirely unrelated to the UUA’s troubles.
I’ll leave this comments open.
What I find VERY curious is that the PCD Board evidently did not initiate or support the firing of the Disrtict Executive.
A press release raising more questions than it answers a problem.
No, it is most definitely not about budget. Yes, the PCD board has been vocal in its opposition to regionalization.
Did you see this post? http://tom-wilson.blogspot.com/2011/02/pcd-board-member-resigns-over-firing-of.html
Not trying to inordinately push my blog, but also http://tom-wilson.blogspot.com/2011/02/recent-unpleasantness.html. There will be more coming on the subject. This has been a very disillusioning process for the PCD Board and those close to them.