Wise news from Northeast India

Northeast India has one of the world’s clusters of Unitarians, and they now have a blog. That makes me happy. It’s a mountainous, forested area: pictures of it remind me of West Virginia.

One blog post talks about a new church start following an evangelistic meeting between two villages that have churches. In typical Unitarian fashion, there was a bit of soul-searching about the wisdom of evangelism, but the writer, H. Helpme Mohrmen, concluded

if we want our church to grow whether we like it or not, there is no alternative than to go evangelising. We might like the using the word evangelising but we need to go preached our religion and pay heed to the call [Northeast Unitarian church founder] H.K.[Singh] made 125 years ago.

The model, based on maps, cooperation and planting has legs and at root could work here, too. Read more.

And if you can read Khasi, there’s this blog too. Thanks to the tip from the UK Unitarian and Free Christian blog Unitarian Communications.

By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.

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