What would John Murray drink?

Even though he wasn’t given to liquor, I can’t imagine he’d say no to a pint from a hometown brewery. Alton, in Hampshire, after all was known for its brewing and hops production.

Well, there’s a modern (micro)brewery there. Real ale. Lovely stuff, I bet, with names like “Alton’s Pride” and “Stairway to Heaven” (the second alluding to Led Zeppelin, rather than, say, the beatific vision).

The site’s all in Flash animation — not my favorite — but it gives me something to look forward on that day I make it to that down some forty-five miles from JM’s later home, London.

Of course, I don’t believe there are any remaining breweries from his East End haunts of the 1760s, micro or otherwise.

Site:Triple FFF

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By Scott Wells

Scott Wells, 46, is a Universalist Christian minister doing Universalist theology and church administration hacks in Washington, D.C.

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