Red Ken’s letter is a good example for younger ministers

At age thirty-six, perhaps there are others better equipped to offer advice to younger ministers, but they don’t blog. Right now, read and bookmark the Mayor of London Ken Livingstone’s remarks following yesterday’s bombings. I’ve long liked him for having a keen interest in city transport, for his role local government, and for putting the… Continue reading Red Ken’s letter is a good example for younger ministers

Options for ordination: UCC

Chuck Currie forwards without comment a news release about a proposal that will come to the United Church of Christ General Synod (Atlanta!) this summer. Since the subject of alternative formation and fellowship has come up several times before, I can’t help but be interested. Now, I have to wonder if there is a difference… Continue reading Options for ordination: UCC

Unfellowshipped ministers mistreated?

James asked the question at Unity, and bid me reply. Sure. He writes: I have been led to believe that although the UUA affirms congregational polity, and thus the right of a congregation to ordain whom it chooses, that the professional association — or at least professinals within the UUA — look askance at such… Continue reading Unfellowshipped ministers mistreated?

Discussing ministerial formation and ordination

I’d like to point those interested in ministerial formation and ordination options to a paper from the “third-way” Vineyard USA: a group that’s notoriously hard to pigeon-hole. (To describe them is to say more about yourself than them, so I shan’t.) Get a copy of their 2002 paper, Ordination, Licensing & Commissioning from Tri Robinson,… Continue reading Discussing ministerial formation and ordination

The role of the church in ordination

Let me be quite plain. Despite some vestiges of Universalist polity in the Unitarian Universalist Association, particularly around ministerial formation, credentialling, and ordination, the Universalist structure is defunct. By church, for these purposes, we have to consider the congregational, not the trans-congregation meaning of Church. I might (underscore, might) want to see it restored, but… Continue reading The role of the church in ordination

Framework for ministerial education

Call me funny, but some kind of structure in the ministerial formation meta-curriculum is a good thing. Indeed, that’s what you get in a theological education, and your accredited seminary isn’t going to let you go with an M.Div. without a basic education. But that gets back to what’s basic. This isn’t going to be… Continue reading Framework for ministerial education

Graduation day

I know of at least two seminarians who became Masters of Divinity today. Such good news! Today divinity, tomorrow the world!